SCE Exam Date - 10th Dec 2025
The Specialty Certificate Examination (SCE) in Palliative Medicine is delivered once a year by the MRCP (UK). Successful completion of the exam demonstrates a level of knowledge required by UK Specialist Trainees to practice safely and competently as Palliative Consultants.
This Palliative Medicine SCE question bank is the first of its kind to be developed, and consists of 588 palliative care practice questions, designed to help you prepare for this challenging exam.
With a focus on holistic care, palliative medicine transcends traditional medical practice boundaries, incorporating physical, psychological, social, and spiritual aspects of patient care. By becoming an expert in this area, you can enhance your skill set, elevate your career and make a meaningful impact on the lives of patients and their families.
In addition to the personal satisfaction derived from providing patient-centred care, pursuing a career in palliative medicine can open numerous opportunities for growth and advancement. As the global population ages and the prevalence of chronic illnesses rises, there is a growing demand for palliative care professionals.
Healthcare systems are prioritising the development of palliative care services, leading to an increased need for trained professionals in hospitals, hospices, and community-based settings. With this demand comes competitive remuneration and the potential for leadership roles within multidisciplinary teams, making it an attractive option for those seeking career progression.
The eligibility requirements for the Palliative Medicine Specialty Certificate Examination and the necessity of being registered with the General Medical Council (GMC) may vary depending on the country or medical board administering the examination. In the United Kingdom, for example, the specialty certificate examination in Palliative Medicine is part of the process to obtain a Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT) in palliative medicine. To be eligible for the examination, you would typically need to meet the following criteria:
Regarding registration with the GMC, it is generally required for medical professionals practicing in the United Kingdom. However, the specific requirements and regulations may differ in other countries, so it's essential to consult the relevant medical board or authority in your jurisdiction for accurate information.
Professional Recognition
Passing the examination demonstrates your competence and expertise in the field of palliative medicine, enhancing your professional standing and recognition among colleagues and employers.
Career Advancement
The specialty certificate can open doors for career progression in palliative medicine. It can provide opportunities to work in specialised palliative care units, hospices, academic institutions, or leadership roles within healthcare organisations.
Personal Development
Preparing for the examination allows you to deepen your knowledge and skills in palliative medicine, enabling you to provide comprehensive and compassionate care to patients with life-limiting illnesses. This can bring a sense of personal fulfilment and satisfaction.
Networking Opportunities
Engaging with the palliative medicine community during your preparation and examination can help you build valuable professional connections. Networking with peers and experts in the field can lead to collaborative research, mentorship, and future career opportunities.
Feel confident for your exam with our clinically rich question bank and mock exam, reflective of the MRCP Palliative Medicine SCE blueprint.
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Our Palliative Medicine SCE revision consists of 588 'single best answer' questions, including 100 MCQs assigned to our 3-hour mock exam. The question bank, which we recommend you complete before attempting the mock exam, mirrors the MRCP SCE Palliative Medicine blueprint and is divided into the following topics:
Management of concurrent clinical problems unrelated to progressive illness
Other symptoms/clinical problems secondary to life-limiting disease
Palliation of life-limiting disease
Pharmacology and therapeutics
Practical procedures
Management of emergencies
Care of the dying patient
Legal issues
Meet the authors who have contributed to our question bank so far! Our entire faculty have the right experience, qualifications and expertise that make them the perfect candidates to write high-quality, relevant material for our Palliative Medicine SCE revision.