MRCGP Applied Knowledge Test
AKT Exam Preparation

Be prepared for your MRCGP AKT with our question bank and mock exam, consisting of 1499 applied knowledge test questions for GP exam revision.

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AKT Exam Date - 30th April 2025





What is the MRCGP Applied Knowledge Test?

The MRCGP Applied Knowledge Test (AKT) is a crucial evaluation of foundational knowledge that is required for independent general practice within the UK National Health Service. It assesses candidates' ability to apply their clinical knowledge at a high level, demonstrating a level of competence that is sufficient for independent practice.

The 3 hour computer-based examination, which is administered at 150 Pearson VUE testing centres throughout the UK, is designed to challenge candidates' problem-solving skills, rather than simply testing their memory of basic facts. The exam questions are structured as follows:

  • 80% on clinical medicine
  • 10% on critical appraisal and evidence-based clinical practice
  • 10% on health informatics and administrative issues

After each exam, StudyPRN releases an in-depth feedback report highlighting the areas candidates found challenging and other data regarding the exam process. These feedback reports are regularly published on the StudyPRN website and should be reviewed by those planning to take the AKT exam.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Applied Knowledge Test (AKT) can be taken at any point during the ST2 or ST3 stages of training. It is offered 3 times per annum, typically in the months of January, April and October, with a maximum of 4 attempts permitted.

The choice of when to take the AKT can be a conundrum for many candidates. Some prefer to complete the AKT in ST2, freeing up their ST3 to focus on the other 2 components of the MRCGP exam: Clinical Skills Assessment (CSA) and Workplace Based Assessment (WPBA). Others choose to defer the AKT to ST3, capitalising on their increased clinical exposure and improved understanding of general practice acquired through placement. However, pass rates for the AKT are comparable for both ST2 and ST3 takers, hence the decision ultimately rests on personal preference.

Our MRCGP AKT revision resource provides an extensive question bank and mock exam that reflects the curriculum. The learning materials evaluate your competency in applying knowledge, scrutinising information, and analysing evidence with a critical lens. Not only can you assess your performance by comparing your responses with your peers, but you'll also receive assistance from our MRCGP AKT Course Editor. Our resources will equip you with the necessary skills to excel in the MRCGP AKT exam.

In addition to our revision resource, it may be helpful to read the following resources:

Keeping up-to-date with the latest developments and best practices in the field by reading journals, such as the British Journal of General Practitioners and the British Medical Journal, can also be advantageous.

There are also several factors that can contribute to exam failure. These include:

  • Inappropriate revision/exam techniques
  • Lack of curriculum coverage
  • Insufficient experience in UK medicine
  • Taking the exam too early in training
  • Lack of study time
  • Not utilising practice question results to determine areas requiring further study

It is imperative that all candidates be registered with the RCGP prior to making an application for the AKT. The application process is facilitated through the RCGP website, during a timeframe that spans approximately 5-6 days and occurs 7-8 weeks before the corresponding examination date.

Upon submitting the application, candidates can select their preferred exam centre from over 150 Pearson VUE testing facilities dispersed across the UK. To ensure availability at a nearby test centre, it is advisable to submit your application promptly. The exams are held in both the morning and afternoon, with those needing additional travel time being encouraged to opt for the afternoon session.

After each exam, StudyPRN release in-depth feedback reports highlighting areas candidates found challenging and other data regarding the exam process. These feedback reports are regularly published on the StudyPRN website and should be reviewed by those planning to take the MRCGP AKT exam. Currently, there are several MRCGP AKT feedback reports available:

Benefits of our Revision

AKT Questions & Mock Exam

Assist your MRCGP AKT preparation with our clinically rich question bank and mock exam, reflective of the MRCGP AKT curriculum.

Instant Feedback

Learn more than just the right answer. Benefit from further reading and full explanations of your answers to enhance your clinical knowledge.

Regularly Updated

Our medical team frequently review and add new MRCGP AKT questions, meaning you'll acquire the most up-to-date revision material available!

Reflective Revision

Compare peer responses, make online notes, submit queries to our MRCGP AKT Course Editor and benefit from unlimited resits.

24/7 Access

Learn around your busy schedule by accessing our MRCGP AKT course whenever and wherever you’d like - all you need is an internet connection!

Specialist CPD

Demonstrate your capability by gaining a CPD Certificate on successful completion of our MRCGP AKT question bank.

Free AKT Sample Questions

No card details required! Simply create an account to access free MRCGP AKT sample questions, taken from this full-priced MRCGP AKT revision resource.

Topics Covered in our Resource

The MRCGP exam consists of 3 parts: the Clinical Skills Assessment (CSA), Workplace Based Assessment (WPBA), and Applied Knowledge Test (AKT). Our online revision resource, which contains 1499 MCQs and EMQs, is designed specifically for the Applied Knowledge Test (AKT) component of the MRCGP exam.

Our online course consists of both an extensive question bank and timed mock exam, making it suitable for those looking to enhance their AKT exam revision and GPs seeking CPD points. For those preparing for the AKT exam, we strongly advise you complete our question bank before attempting the mock exam in order to optimise your revision and have the best possible experience.

Our AKT question bank is categorised by the topics covered in the MRCGP AKT curriculum, which will allow you to identify your strengths and work on your areas for improvement before sitting the actual exam. It provides comprehensive and in-depth coverage of the following areas:

Eye problems

Genetics in primary care

Promoting health & preventing disease

Intellectual disability

Mental health problems

Administration, ethical & regulatory frameworks

Acutely ill people

Cardiovascular health

Children & young people

Digestive health

End-of-Life care

ENT, oral & facial problems


Research, statistics & epidemiology

Respiratory health

Sexual health

Skin problems

Women's health

Men’s health

Metabolic problems

Misuse of drugs & alcohol

Musculoskeletal problems

Neurological problems

Older adults

Our MRCGP AKT Resource Editor

Our Expert Authors

Meet the authors who have contributed to our question bank so far! Our entire faculty have the right experience, qualifications and expertise that make them the perfect candidates to write high-quality, relevant material for our AKT revision.

Click a photo to read their biographies...

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