European Specialty Exam in Gastroenterology & Hepatology

Online Gastroenterology & Hepatology SCE question bank and mock exam, consisting of 548 multiple-choice questions helping you prepare for the ESEGH exam.

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SCE Exam Date - 9th Apr 2025





What is the European Specialty Exam in Gastroenterology and Hepatology?

The European Specialty Exam in Gastroenterology and Hepatology (ESEGH) is designed to assess your knowledge and competence in this field. The exam is developed and administered by the European Board of Gastroenterology and Hepatology (EBGH), which is a member board of the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS).

Our study resource provides a dependable and efficient method for preparing for the ESEGH. It comprises a comprehensive collection of test questions that aid in comprehending the exam format, honing the skills required and acquiring the knowledge necessary to pass with assurance.

Succeeding in the ESEGH is a significant accomplishment in your profession that can open up new avenues both locally and globally. By utilising the knowledge and skills acquired through this resource, you can advance your career and make a meaningful difference in the lives of your patients.

Frequently Asked Questions

The ESEGH does not require any specific qualifications for entry, but it is customary for UK candidates to take the exam as part of their higher specialty training.

The Board responsible for the European Specialty Examination in Gastroenterology and Hepatology evaluates the performance of UK-based trainees with dual accreditation in General Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology and suggests attempting the exam during their ST5 year. Those in the single accreditation programme may consider taking the exam during their ST4 year.

Yes, suggested sources and reading are listed below:




  • Oxford Handbook of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2006 (S Bloom, G Webster)
  • Sleisenger and Fordtran's Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease, 9th Ed, 2010 (M Feldman, Laurence S Friedman)
  • Textbook of Gastroenterology, 5th Ed, 2008 (Ed T Yamada)
  • The Textbook of Hepatology, 3rd Ed, 2007 (Ed J Rodes)
  • Best of Five MCQS for the European Specialty Examination in Gastroenterology and Hepatology (Oxford Higher Specialty Training) 2021 (Thomas Marjot, Colleen McGregor, Tim Ambrose, Simon Travis, Aminda De Silva, Jeremy Cobbold)

Online resources

Enhances your credibility as a professional

This can have a positive impact on your reputation and how others perceive your abilities. It shows that you possess a thorough understanding of the knowledge and skills required to provide high-quality care to patients suffering from gastrointestinal and hepatic diseases.

Create opportunities for career advancement

Many employers, including hospitals and clinics, require certification for professional progression, and having this certification can help you demonstrate your commitment and expertise in the field.

Increase in your earning potential

Certified professionals are often offered higher salaries and bonuses, which can have a significant impact on your financial well-being.

Networking opportunities

You can connect with other professionals in the field, which can lead to collaborations, mentorship, and other career-enhancing opportunities.

Benefits of our ESEGH Revision

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548 Gastroenterology Questions

Feel confident for your exam with our clinically rich MCQs, reflective of the MRCP SCE Gastroenterology blueprint and ‘best of five’ format.

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Instant Answers & Feedback

Learn more than just the right answer by receiving further reading and a full explanation of answers to deepen your knowledge and understanding.

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Frequently Updated

Our experts regularly review and add new gastroenterology questions, meaning you'll receive the most up-to-date revision material available!

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Reflective Revision

Compare peer responses, make online revision notes, flag any challenging questions and benefit from unlimited resits.

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24/7 Access

Learn around your busy schedule by accessing our SCE Gastroenterology questions whenever you like - all you need is an internet connection!

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Specialist CPD

Demonstrate your capability by gaining a CPD Certificate on successful completion of our Gastroenterology SCE questions.

ESEGH: Free Sample Questions

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Topics Covered in our ESEGH Resource

From January 2018, the MRCP's Specialty Certificate Examination in Gastroenterology and the European Section and Board of Gastroenterology & Hepatology Examination became a single exam known as the European Specialty Examination in Gastroenterology and Hepatology (ESEGH).

This online ESEGH revision resource consists of 548 gastroenterology questions, including 100 MCQs assigned to our timed mock exam. The question bank, which we recommend you complete before attempting the mock exam, is reflective of the MRCP Gastroenterology exam blueprint and covers the following categories:

Biliary tree

GI haemorrhage

Inflammatory bowel disease

Colonic disorders

Liver disorders


Oesophageal disorders

Pancreatic disorders

Small intestinal disorders

Stomach and duodenal disorders


Our ESEGH Resource Editor

Dr Benjamin Colleypriest

Consultant Gastroenterologist

"The Gastroenterology SCE question bank is a fantastic tool to help you pass the exam. The questions cover all aspects of gastroenterology and are updated regularly to provide an accurate and reliable resource that is written by experts and guided by student feedback."

Our ESEGH Resource Authors

Meet the authors who have contributed to our question bank so far! Our entire faculty have the right experience, qualifications and expertise that make them the perfect candidates to write high-quality, relevant material for our Gastroenterology and Hepatology SCE (ESEGH) revision.

Click a photo to read their biographies...

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