European Board Examination in Emergency Medicine

Our online European Board Examination in Emergency Medicine (EBEEM) question bank consists of 765 Emergency Medicine MCQs, helping you prepare for Part A of the EBEEM.

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Exam Date - 14th Mar 2025





What is the European Board Exam in Emergency Medicine?

The European Board Examination in Emergency Medicine (EBEEM) is a comprehensive assessment jointly delivered by the European Society for Emergency Medicine (EUSEM) and the European Board for Emergency Medicine (EBEM). Its purpose is to evaluate the competence of physicians practising emergency medicine throughout Europe and to ensure their compliance with the necessary standards. This examination comprises two main components: Part A, which involves a Multiple-Choice Assessment, and Part B, which assesses Clinical Skills. Together, these components provide a thorough evaluation of the physicians' knowledge and abilities in the field of emergency medicine.

Part A is designed to assess the theoretical knowledge and understanding of emergency medicine. It aims to evaluate the candidate's ability to apply medical knowledge and clinical reasoning to emergency situations. This part of the examination typically consists of multiple-choice questions that cover various aspects of emergency medicine, including clinical presentations, diagnostic tests, treatment options, and management strategies. The objective of Part A is to assess the candidate's knowledge base and their ability to make informed decisions in emergency medicine scenarios.

Part B of the EBEEM focuses on the candidate's clinical skills and their ability to demonstrate practical competence in emergency medicine. This component assesses the candidate's ability to perform essential clinical procedures, manage critically ill patients, and communicate effectively in emergency situations. The objective of Part B is to evaluate the candidate's practical skills, including clinical examination, procedural competence, patient management, and communication skills.

Our study material is reliable and effective, offering comprehensive test questions that will help you understand the exam's format. With our help, you can gain the skills and knowledge necessary to pass the EBEEM with confidence.

Passing the EBEEM is a significant achievement for emergency medicine doctors, as it demonstrates their competency and can lead to certification in Europe. It is also recognised as a requirement for practising emergency medicine in several European countries and by various international organisations.

Frequently Asked Questions

Success in the EBEEM offers clear benefits to individuals, such as:

  • Institutions may require successful completion of the EBEEM exam for specialist or consultant appointments.
  • Institutions may use the EBEEM exam results to differentiate between two applicants competing for the same position.
  • Training authorities may consider the preparation and success in the EBEEM exam as part of the criteria for accrediting training sites.
  • Departments may use success in the EBEEM exam as a benchmark for promotion, such as promoting the successful candidate to head of the department.
  • Countries without a formal exit exam may choose to adopt the EBEEM exam as their final exam for completing their training.
  • Success in Part A of the EBEEM exam can serve as an evaluation tool to monitor trainee progress in a training programme.
  • Training programmes may use success in the EBEEM exam as a means to validate their training programme.

Part A Examination

To be eligible for Part A of the EBEEM examination, both trainees and non-trainees must possess a minimum of 18 months of experience in Emergency Medicine. Trainees have the flexibility to include experience in related areas, such as intensive care, if it is a part of their training programme. The content of the examination is aligned with the European Training Requirements, which have been officially approved by the UEMS.

Required documents for both specialists and trainees include:

  • A copy of the passport*
  • A CV written in English*
  • A current medical licence to practise from the governing body (e.g., GMC, SCFHS)*
  • A candidate supervisor form signed by the supervisor, head of department, clinical lead, or head of the training programme. The form should indicate the number of months of experience in emergency medicine, which should be a minimum of 36 months.
  • Evidence of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for the past two years (not required for trainees).
  • A copy of the EM diploma or evidence of enrolment in an EM training programme, which includes the country of the EM training programme and the scheduled end date of training.

Part B Examination

To be eligible for the Part B exam, candidates must have passed the EBEEM Part A exam within the previous four years. In addition, candidates must meet one of the following criteria:

  • Be at the end of a minimum five-year training programme in Emergency Medicine following the European Curriculum.
  • Have worked full-time in an emergency department for at least five years and recognised by the National Government of the country as a specialist in emergency medicine.
  • For physicians working in countries where the specialty of emergency medicine does not exist, provide evidence in a portfolio of competence in the full range of the curriculum. This may consist of a combination of logbook cases, evidence of continuing professional development (courses, e-learning), evidence of training delivered in a range of topics, audit projects, etc., and having worked in emergency medicine for at least five years.

Required documents include:

  • Result letter of passing Part A*
  • Copy of passport*
  • CV in English*
  • Current medical licence to practise with medical registration number by governing body (e.g. GMC, SCFHS)*
  • Candidate supervisor form with months in Emergency Medicine, signed by supervisor/head of department/clinical lead/head of training programme.
  • Copy of Emergency Medicine diploma or evidence of enrolment with an Emergency Medicine training programme that includes country of EM training programme and scheduled date of end of training.

Note: The documents marked with an asterisk (*) are compulsory.

Candidates are strongly recommended to adequately prepare for the exam by adhering to the European Curriculum of Emergency Medicine and consulting up-to-date emergency medicine textbooks and international guidelines. It is essential to note that the exam mainly employs the most recent version of Judith Tintinalli’s Emergency Medicine: A Comprehensive Study Guide as the reference text, alongside:

  • ESC Guidelines since 2010: Atrial fibrillation, ACS non-ST elevation, acute cardiac failure
  • SIGN Guidelines since 2010: antithrombotics
  • European Resuscitation Council guidelines since 2010
  • Ultrasound-specific resources: Ma, Mateer, Blaivas: "Emergency Ultrasound", McGraw Hill.

Benefits of our EBEEM Revision

765 EBEEM Questions

Feel confident for Part A of your EBEEM exam with our online Emergency Medicine MCQ bank, reflective of the exam curriculum.

Instant Answers & Feedback

Learn more than just the right answer by receiving further reading and a full explanation of answers to deepen your knowledge and understanding.

Frequently Updated

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24/7 Access

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Specialist CPD

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Topics Covered in our EBEEM Resource

The European Board Examination in Emergency Medicine consists of two components: Part A (Multiple-Choice Assessment) and Part B (Clinical Skills Assessment). This question bank is designed specifically for Part A (Multiple-Choice Assessment) of the European Board Examination in Emergency Medicine (EBEEM), and is the first and largest online resource of its kind.

Consisting of 765 single-best type MCQs, this online question bank is divided into categories reflective of the Emergency Medicine EBEEM (Part A) examination. By working through each category, you'll be able to identify your strengths and work on your areas for improvement before sitting the actual exam. The topics covered in our EBEEM question bank include the following:

Cardiac arrest, heart, circulation & vascular

Airway, lung, breathing


Spinal cord & peripheral nervous system




Hepatobiliary & pancreas


Obstetric & gynaecological


Skin & soft tissue

Haematology & coagulation

Metabolism, endocrinology, auto-immune





Exposure to external factors

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation


Point-of-care ultrasound

Oral & maxillofacial



Research methods

Ethics & research

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