Exam Date - 26th Sep 2025
The UEMS European Board of Dermatovenereology Diploma (EBDVD) Examination is an assessment of the knowledge and skills of dermatovenereologists in Europe. This examination is designed to evaluate the competence of candidates who want to obtain the European Board of Dermatovenereology Diploma.
If you are a Dermatology and Venereology specialist looking to enhance your clinical skills and knowledge, you can take the exam offered by the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS). This prestigious examination is intended to evaluate your proficiency in delivering excellent care in dermatology and venereology, both in hospitals and independent clinical practices.
Our online study material is reliable and effective, offering comprehensive test questions that will help you understand the exam's format. With our help, you can gain the skills and knowledge necessary to pass the EBDVD with confidence.
Passing the EBDVD examination can be a significant quality mark for you, which can come in handy in your country. It may also give you an extra advantage if you decide to work in a European country. Moreover, this prestigious qualification would be a valuable addition to your CV and is the highest honour that the UEMS-EBDV can award.
The examination can take place in any suitable room in the hospital, university, or headquarters of a national professional association. The internet connection should remain stable throughout the examination, and the computer and phone used should have audio and video equipment to allow remote monitoring. Candidates must submit a photo of the selected room for remote examination. Visit the orzone exam website for instructions on how to prepare your PC for the exam
The examination room should be quiet and contain only the candidate(s) and the invigilator(s) during the examination. One invigilator can supervise up to ten candidates, and the invigilator should be a reliable person with the necessary qualifications designated by the head of the relevant institution. Candidates must inform the UEMS-EBDV if the examination room is being shared with others.
Each candidate taking the online examination must submit a written Consent to Invigilate the UEMS-EBDVD Examination signed by the invigilator and the head of the institution where the remote examination is being conducted. Candidates will be asked to attend a test meeting one to two weeks before the examination. Failure to comply with the rules and instructions of the examination will result in disqualification, and the fee paid will not be refunded.
When taking the EBDVD examination, candidates must adhere to all rules and instructions provided by the exam administrators. This includes:
To be eligible to take the EBDVD examination, there are two paths: one for specialists and one for residents.
Certified specialists in Dermato-venereology from member countries of the European Union, other European countries, or countries outside Europe are eligible to take the EBDVD examination. However, eligibility must be confirmed during the application process by submitting a legally approved document that confirms specialist registration in the country from which the candidate is applying. Successful specialist candidates will be awarded the EBDV Diploma.
Residents who have completed four years of residency training in Dermato-venereology in member countries of the European Union, other European countries, or countries outside Europe may also take the EBDVD examination. However, eligibility must be confirmed during the application process by the Head of Department of the candidate's training programme. Successful candidates will be awarded the EBDV Diploma.
Please note that there are fees associated with taking the EBDVD examination, which will be communicated to eligible candidates during the application process.
Yes, we suggest consulting the following resources:
Continuing Medical Education (CME) Articles
Feel confident for your exam with our Dermatovenereology MCQ bank, reflective of the UEMS EBDVD exam blueprint.
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No card details required! Simply create an account to access free EBDVD sample questions taken from this full-priced EBDVD revision resource.
Our newly launched revision for the UEMS European Board of Dermatovenereology Diploma Examination is the first and largest online resource of its kind. Consisting of 751 practice questions for the EBDVD Examination, this revision resource will allow you to identify your strengths and work on your areas for improvement, allowing you to prepare thoroughly for your UEMS-EBDVD exam.
The resource is split into two question banks (Dermatology and Venereology) with both mirroring the topics covered in the actual exam:
General Terminology, Dermatopathology, Epidemiology, Prevention, General Dermatology
General Dermatology, Bullous and Autoimmune Dermatoses, Eczema, Allergology
Infectious Diseases, STD/STI, Ano-genital Diseases
Formulation & systemic therapy
Dermato-Oncology, Dermoscopy
Dermatopharmacology, Therapy, Dermato-Surgery, Phlebology, Angiology, Psychosomatics
Meet the authors who have contributed to our question bank so far! Our entire faculty have the right experience, qualifications and expertise that make them the perfect candidates to write high-quality, relevant material for our EBDVD revision.