Our team work extremely hard to provide customers with the best possible experience when using studyprn.com. We are very proud of what we have achieved and we’re convinced you’re going to love it too. That's why we've decided to offer a 21 day, 100% satisfaction guarantee!
If you're not satisfied with our product, send us a refund request within 21 days of your purchase and we'll refund your money.
In a nutshell, we are confident that:
We cannot guarantee that you will pass the exam! This depends greatly on the work that you put into your study. We advise that you answer all of the questions contained in your resource while working with appropriate course material. We believe that you should be ready for the real exam when you achieve 90% or higher in our tests.
Access to our resources is time limited. We advise that you purchase a study package with the access length appropriate to your current study commitment.
We believe in continual improvement to ensure that our resources are the best on the market. For this reason, we require that anyone requesting a refund provide us with detailed feedback describing the nature of their dissatisfaction within the first 21 days of purchase.
We are so confident that you will pass your MRCGP exam that we are happy to offer you a full refund if you fail your actual MRCGP AKT exam.
To be eligible for the refund you must:
This offer does not impact your right to the 21 day 100% satisfaction offer (see above for details).