AKT Exam Feedback Report (October 2024)

The AKT 53 exam was held on 30th October 2024 and was taken by 1529 candidates. This exam feedback report provides a summary of the October 2024 exam, including important statistics, areas of strength and difficulty for candidates, and advice for candidates looking to prepare for future AKT exams. If you would like to review other feedback reports for previous AKT examinations, please click on any of the below for more information:


The scores for this AKT exam ranged from 76 to 196 out of 200 questions, with a mean overall score of 149.42 marks (74.71%). The pass mark was set at 145, with 62.52% of all candidates passing this exam. The mean score for each of the three subject areas was as follows:

Areas of Strength

For the October 2024 AKT exam, candidates performed better than previous exams in questions that related to:

Areas of Difficulty

Summary of areas causing difficulty in AKT53:

Improving quality, safety and prescribing (Professional topic)

Candidates found some difficulty around the topic of prescribing for older people. It is important to consider how prescribing may change for older adults, including which medications should have their dose reduced, or should be stopped altogether. The BNF is an excellent revision resource for this. We will continue to regularly ask about the safe prescribing of commonly used medications.

In addition, under the same curriculum heading

Result interpretation is a core part of general practice and is tested in various scenarios in the AKT. Candidates struggled with this area in AKT 53. A good way to revise this is for candidates to see lots of pathology results in practice, check the guidelines and decide on an action. This may include borderline results.

Gastroenterology (Clinical topic)

The diagnosis and management of common colorectal and perianal conditions caused problems in AKT 53. Candidates should make sure they are revising this area and checking guidelines for patients seen in practice.

Gynaecology and breast (Clinical topic)

Knowledge of combined hormone replacement therapy with safe options for endometrial protection is an increasingly important part of general practice. This was an area which caused some difficulty in AKT 53. Candidates should think about how they can increase their exposure to patients requiring hormone replacement therapy and make sure they are up to date with guidance around this.

Musculoskeletal health (Clinical topic)

We frequently provide feedback on this topic, which posed a challenge again in AKT 53. Candidates should make sure they are revising the diagnosis, investigation, and long-term management of a range of musculoskeletal conditions presenting in general practice and checking up-to-date guidance in this area. This includes long-term conditions.

Neurology (Clinical topic)

Neurology has been listed as a feedback topic for the past four AKT sittings. In AKT 53, candidates struggled with symptom recognition for common neurological conditions. Candidates are reminded to look at a range of neurological conditions during their revision.

Respiratory health (Clinical topic)

Asthma management in both children and adults was challenging for candidates in AKT 53. Candidates are reminded to look at national asthma guidance as part of AKT revision and consider sitting in with other healthcare professionals in the practice to increase knowledge in this area.

Past 12 months (AKTs 51-53)

After each of the last three sittings of the AKT exam, we have highlighted a need for improvement regarding:

After two of the last three sittings of the AKT exam, we have highlighted a need for improvement regarding:

Improving quality, safety and prescribing

Drug side effects, safe prescribing of drugs used in long-term conditions, controlled drugs, pathology results.

Leadership and management

The feedback concerned death certificate legislation, and capacity.

Children and young people

Neonatal illnesses, safeguarding, recognising normal, minor illness.

Exam Preparation

It is crucial for candidates to stay vigilant and scrutinise relevant guidance in their AKT exam preparation, which will help to improve their chances of success. The GP curriculum serves as a robust blueprint for exam readiness, and the knowledge and skills sections of each topic guide offer a valuable resource for those striving to make certain they've encompassed all critical topics. Additionally, regularly reviewing the scenarios in the AKT exam with caution and completing an online MRCGP AKT question bank and mock exam is highly recommended.